Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's been quite a while ...

Yet there is still quite a lot of snow on the ground and things don't look good for an early season.

On the other hand, I have a chin spoiler on the way. It will need some paint and fabricating some bracket.

I am set on getting a pair of A* SMX-4 Waterproof, still debating for what material for my new pant/jacket combo.

Last night in an attempt to retain what is left of my sanity, I sat down, took the helmets off the shelf and proceeded to clean them. A can of Plexus is on my shopping list as my visor is getting scratched and might explain the sun glare I get.

As much as a menial and annoying task cleaning helmets can be, I did wonders for my sanity. It took my mind off the need to ride and made me think about all the other things that need to be done on a regular basis during riding season. I also fixed the headlight for the missus bike, a tab needed to re glued.

Next step is to go shopping, try some stuff on and make my mind. I still gotta order the Sargent seat.
